5 Life Hacks to boost your confidence

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Life can become quite stressful and often we are struggling to keep it all together. This could lead to feelings of depression, anxiety and low self esteem. Our confidence is based on the feelings we have to be able to manage the stress and challenges, using a set of capabilities that we have build over time. However, when we lose confidence or our self esteem receives a blow (e.g., from life changes, stressors in relationships, work, friends, family etc), we lose our capacity to deal with these situation with certainty. What we think we know becomes undermined and it is then we need to PAUSE and reflect on whats needed. Here are 5 tips to help you regain your confidence!

Tip #1 : Replace mental fogginess with clarity

When we become overwhelmed with thoughts, our minds feel cloudy at times. This is because our feelings and thoughts are in overdrive! When you feel this way, you can practise a short exercise to calm your mind through mindfulness meditation.

Firstly, ask yourself the question- what makes you happy and what does that look like each day? Try to spend 5-20 mins a day sitting silently and letting go of any stress, thoughts and distractions (be it positive or negative thoughts) and allow the space for creatively to take place naturally as you breathe slowly in and out, just observing those thoughts and then letting it go. This daily practise of mindfulness meditation will assist in connecting you with your self and your inner most truths.

If you believe you suffer from anxiety and depression, talk to a trusted friend, coach or a mental health professional to explore your feelings and emotions. Like most people we all experience symptoms of anxiety and depression. In its mild form, we can do something each day to address these feelings. Here are some recommended Apps which you can download to track your feelings and moods, help you learn to meditate and build resilience (Available on the Apple APP store).

Free download: Smiling Mind   

Free: Stop, Breathe & Think   

$4.49: Resilience Project

Tip #2: Reframe a stressful situation

We all face challenges, be it in the area of health and wellbeing, our jobs, relationships, family, friends or finances. Consider how we experience a situation is largely related to how we perceive the situation. For example, you may be experiencing issues at work with your manager or clients and it feels hurtful or frustrating.

It may be helpful, to review the event through different lens or taking on different perspectives (i.e., stepping back on the situation and viewing it from the other person’s perspective). This may assist with responding to the event rather than reacting to the event. This may require practise as to how to separate yourself from the situation in order to deal with it more objectively, keeping in mind that it is not always personal.

 Tip #3: Be Proactive rather than reactive

 Set up daily routines which aligns with your highest goals/values for the day. This may include starting each day with clear intentions of how you would like to see your day looking. Schedule time for physical activity, focusing on your emotional and mental health, anything which feeds your inner spirit or vitality is important. This may include setting clear intention each day and pre- planning your daily routines. Slow down your day, stop and breathe deeply.

 Tip #4: Embrace self-empowerment

Both men and women possess masculine and feminine energy. The feminine energy creates, nurtures, loves and cares. The feminine energy also gives rise to a soft and loving self, whilst the masculine energy encourages strength and power. If one or the other energy forces becomes weakened by the demands of everyday life, we tend to feel imbalanced (i.e., feeling detached, off track, feeling angry and out of control). Develop the feminine energy by taking quality time out for yourself and nurture yourself. This might mean booking in a massage, walk in the park, spending time with other girlfriends and pampering yourself with a cup of tea.

 Tip #5: Embrace the new you & build a community that supports you

They say that the 5 people you associate with becomes the average of your influence in terms of your habits, thoughts and activities. Part of cultivating your self-confidence is to create a supportive network around you. At present, ask yourself who is your community. Are your friends supportive or are they more of a hindrance to your health and wellbeing, or life goals? It may be time to develop a community of like-minded people who share in your values.

You may even even consider joining a group on a regular basis such as walking groups, reading groups, arts and craft, yoga or community circles (men or women group). These activities foster good endorphins to be release and reduce stress and tension. It is just as important to spend quality time with your family, partner or kids and pets. Finally, make sure you schedule in time 20 mins at least just for you on a daily basis and you will start to feel more connected with your inner strength.

Over the years, I have found that being part of a community which values health and well-being, spiritual development and adventure (e.g., bush waking, travel and hiking etc) supports and accelerates my connection to others- cultivating love and gratitude for the people around me. Take the time to surround yourself with people who support you as proximity is power!

🦋 Keep transforming, x Lisa

lisa thepvongsa